Фотовторженіе від Левітана

Що живе в Лондоні бразильський ілюстратор Люкас Левітан домальовує до звичайних фотографій маленьких смішних персонажів - виходять дуже веселі історії. Проект, на сторінку якого в інстаграме підписані аж 90 тисяч чоловік, називається "Фотовторженіе".

(Всього 22 фото)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. The victim today is @ chrislee8's nice gallery. To be invaded use #IWantToBeInvaded Or jump the queue www.lucaslevitan.com/factory

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. This is the weird story of a man with flowers instead of hair. Original photo by @maylisarbb. I highly recommend a visit to her beautiful gallery. To be invaded use #IWantToBeInvaded Or jump the queue www.lucaslevitan.com/factory

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. @ Imhaumik's gallery was invaded today. "Did you see another shoe just like this one?", Asked the Prince. If you want to be invaded as well add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos or discover how to jump the queue at www.lucaslevitan.com/factory (link on my profile)

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Alba told me once her dream. And here it is. The original is by the sport photographer @steverussell. Take a look at his gallery. To be invaded use #IWantToBeInvaded Or jump the queue www.lucaslevitan.com/factory

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. This is another invasion as a result of a partnership with LINE DECO / South Korea. I invaded 5 photos submited by their Facebook community. This one is by. "In the vocal: Cat Stevens Welcome to the jungle By the way, I'm on Facebook as well: www.facebook.com/lucaslevitan (link on my profile) See you there. If you want to be invaded as add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos.

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. This image is a result of a partnership with LINE DECO / South Korea. I invaded 5 photos submited by their Facebook community. This one is by By the way, I'm on Facebook as well: www.facebook.com/lucaslevitan (link on my profile) See you there.

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. The victim now is a colorful instagramer; @heidelgelb. If you want to be invaded as well add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos or discover how to jump the queue at www.lucaslevitan.com/factory (link on my profile)

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. One of the invasion created by The Factory has Alessandra Pellegrinelli as its victim. If you want to contract the services of our specialists in Photo Invasion go to www.lucaslevitan.com/factory (link on my profile) or you can wait in the queue by adding #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos.

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. This invaded photo was taken by @gus_pache, an Argentinian barber, sorry, photographer. If you want to be invaded as well add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos or discover how to jump the queue at www.lucaslevitan.com/factory

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Today's victim is my great friend @ pff74. If you want to be invaded as well add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos or discover how to jump the queue at www.lucaslevitan.com/factory

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

LUCAS LEVITAN + RICHARD PRINCE on sale just $ 90,537.00. Please contact Photo Invasion sales department at: [email protected] Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Today I stole an image from Richard Prince ' "New Portraits". The original, which was stolen by Richard Prince, is by @prettypukefool. Go to www.lucaslevitan.com/photoinvasion/richardprince for more information. #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion #richardprince @ richardprince4_ #newportraits

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. This invasion is one of the outcome of 'Photo Invasion Factory'. Photo Invasion Cook Book presents this tasty toys-soup. It's a recipe called 'Martin a la jouets' speciality of his mother @carolconydariano. If you want to be invaded add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos or discover how to jump the queue at www.lucaslevitan.com/factory (link on my profile) #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. The victim now is @laladipimentel. If you want to be invaded as well add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos or discover how to jump the queue at www.lucaslevitan.com/factory (link on my profile) #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. This invasion happened in a photo by @ciasteczkatynki. You'll find really nice shots on her gallery. This image is how sometimes I feel trying to understand my girlfriend's mind, but I love it :) If you want to be invaded add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos. To see more of my stuff go to www.lucaslevitan.com #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Today a group of explorers invades the amazing gallery (and body) of @kunstundfaser. If you want to be invaded as add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos. To see more of my stuff go to www.lucaslevitan.com #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Today I invaded a great Argentinian photographer, @santicuore. Sorry, mate, I do not normally attack my victims from behind. If you want to be invaded add #IWantToBeInvaded on your photos. To see more of my stuff go to www.lucaslevitan.com #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. After The Queen of Britain I had to invade another queen. This time the queen of photography, Marilyn Monroe. One of the most photographed woman of all time. I found this shot while looking for some ... well ... inspiration at @ abikiniaday's gallery. Original photo by Arthur Weegee at Jones Beach Pool / NY To see more of my stuff go to the link on my profile: www.lucaslevitan.com #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Today I, politely, invaded @ britishnobility's gallery. #TheQueen and #FrancoisHollande in #paris deciding their next move. To see more of my stuff go to the link on my profile: www.lucaslevitan.com #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Today's invasion is on a photo of @aguspiluso. I advise you to follow him. He has a 'buen? Sima' gallery of Buenos Aires. To see more of my stuff go to the link on my profile: www.lucaslevitan.com

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch. Nepotism happen in many institutions, Photo Invasion is not a different one. The victim today is @eneidaserrano, my mum and brilliant photographer. Or a brilliant mum and photographer? And the astonishing honey color eye is my sister, @carilevi. Sunday is a family day :)) #levitanphotoinvasion #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my @instagram project. I hunt for images on Instagram and add my illustrative touch. The victim today is another great Austrian photographer @ claudio.x. Have a look at his gallery and do not be silly, follow him. #levitanphotoinvasion #levitanphotobomb #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

Photo Invasion is my Instagram project. I hunt for images on Instagram and add my illustrative touch. Today's victim is in a classic image of The Beatles taken from @thebeatlesofficial page. This rare original photo is an outtake by Iain Macmillan. "One thing I can tell you Is you got to be free" #levitanphotoinvasion #levitanphotobomb #photo_invasion

Фото опубліковано Lucas Levitan (@lucaslevitan)

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